Pettybone is the voice of the voiceless.
Pettybone is the voice of the oppressed.
The sound of the revolt for all those that they were told they're useless
for all those who lost their youth in the process
for all the kids that believe in their dreams but the fucked up system cut their wings
for all those living in the poverty on the edge with sanity
for all the vagabondes and homeless
for all the women who fight for freedom and respect
for al the immigrants trying to make their way through the london streets
for all the sisters and brothers in need
for all the truth seekers...
the Truth is that the change is possible
because Another world is possible...

Monday, 17 May 2010

Unfortunately we're no longer playing the 12 bar show.
It's a bummer but we'll hope to play any other weekend if we get a chance.

We're looking for more shows so let us know what's happening. :)

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Emma Goldman!

Emma Goldman is greatly admired by this band. 70 years ago almost to the day, Emma passed away taking with her, her passion and conviction in fighting for freedom and justice for everyone. Emma, your memory will always live on for ever and ever.

"I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck."

Saturday, 15 May 2010


We have been added to this show TOMORROW! ( Sunday 16th May)

We are on first @ 7pm sharp!
It's @ the Grovesnor nearest tube is Stockwell.

All profits will be donated to my friend Tom Stanley (

It was also Ivona's (early) birthday last night....

A Happy Birthday to our Lady Ivona... I baked her a Vegan Pettybone Choco & Banana cake from the girls and myself....

It went down a treat :)

Our first show...

We would like to thank everyone who came down last night to support us... It was a great first show and thank you all for such great response!

Also a big thank you to Matt & Dave for putting the show on.

Roman Laris came down last night and took some pictures... You can check his site out & all the pictures @

We will be uploading them all on here soon.... but below is a preview.

Monday, 10 May 2010


London Profeminist Men's Group

Why Pro-Feminist?

“Well, we discuss it now and again... Not everyone agrees with the name. Some think that we should be called an ‘anti-sexist men’s group’. There’s the idea that we don’t want to colonize a term for a movement set up by women for the liberation of women, and that calling ourselves male feminists or something similar would suggest we don’t understand and aren’t sensitive to the issues. However, plenty of feminists argue that feminism is for all people who want equality, and that men ought to call themselves feminists as they are fighting the same fight as female feminists. I think we’re happy calling ourselves pro-feminists and helping to define what exactly that term means by simply existing under that title!

You can read more of this interesting interview in the "Things We Dig" Section.

Friday, 7 May 2010

Wednesday, 5 May 2010

Flyer for first show

Above is the flyer for our first show... Come down & bring all your friends... IT'S FREE!
We will be bringing Vegan cake as well... so there is no excuses!
We are on first around so make sure you get there early!

Monday, 3 May 2010

Photoshoot with Luke

On Sunday 25th April we done a band photo shoot with our good friend and photographer Luke (go the pictures section). It was a great day in and around East London outside the Freedom Press bookstore and other locations.

check out Freedom Press bookstore for some good read: